Most of this article is great, Leigh, but I want to comment on this passage because I think my perspective as a Black woman can help here. The average white woman can easily become very dangerous, i.e. life-threatening, to Black people and other people of color, see Amy Cooper, the white woman whose false claim got Emmett Till killed and many others, so Robin DiAngelo encouraging white women to become anti-racist will actually save BIPOC’s lives if they actually do it. Leaning In wasn’t gonna save anybody’s life, so I think comparing these two books is a bit unfair. Also, white people have expected BIPOC to educate them about racism for free since they knew what it was, so I don’t see two women of color getting paid for doing so as a problem. AT ALL. My problem is they should be charging more for their services. But you are right in that now we’ve entered an era in which white people are competing to see who can appear to be the least racist. For the sake of Black lives and the lives of other people of color, let’s hope it’s not *all* just a performance because we can’t dismantle white supremacy if the people who created it don’t do most of the work.